Slovakia 2022 300th years First Steam engine colored

    Slovakia 2022 300th years First Steam engine colored
  • Product Code:Slovakia 2022 300th years First Steam engine colored
  • SKU:500822
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 8.00€
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300th years First Steam engine

NOVÁ BAŇA, SLOVAKIA reports that a team of archaeologists and volunteers have uncovered the base of what is thought to be Europe’s first atmospheric steam engine at a mining site in the town of Nová Bańa. The machine, built by Isaac Potter in a mine shaft between 1721 and 1722, was used to drain water from the site.  When the mine at Nová Bańa failed to recover any ore, historic records indicate that the machine was supposed to have been moved to Banská Štiavnica, another town in central Slovakia known for its silver mines. 

The coin is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the construction of the first atmospheric steam engine in continental Europe. The design includes a full-size mechanism construction and the coat of arms of Slovakia.

Weight - 8.5 g.
Quality - UNC (Uncirculated colored coin in capsula)
Diameter - 25.75 mm.
Composition - Bimetallic - nickel brass clad nickel center in copper-nickel ring
Circulation - pcs.
Country of origin - Slovakia
Year of release - 2022
