San Marino 2024 Declaration of civil rights

    San Marino 2024 Declaration of civil rights
  • Product Code:300074
  • SKU:300074
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 35.00€ 29.00€
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50th anniversary of the Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Fundamental Principles of San Marino Law:
The Law No. 59 from 8 July 1974 "Declaration of citizens' rights and fundamental principles of the San Marino legal system" surely represented a very meaningful moment in the political and institutional life of the Republic. For the first time, after the Arengo in 1906, the principles of the separation of powers were enshrined in a superordinate law and the duties of the Regency, the Great and General Council, the Congress of State and the judiciary were specified, confirming their respective autonomy and independence. With Law No. 59 from 8 July 1974, the fundamental and inviolable rights of citizens were affirmed, while at the same time defining the basic canons in support of a free and democratic community, rooted in centuries of history of independence and now projected towards a future of progress and peace, which sees it as a - albeit small but significant - part of the international community. The hierarchy of the legal institutions is laid down in detail; the recognition at constitutional level of the principles set out in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is guaranteed; the Collegio as the guarantor of the constitutionality of the norms is established.

Weight - 8.5 g.
Quality - BU (Brilliant Uncirculated)
Diameter - 25.75 mm.
Composition Bimetallic - nickel brass clad nickel center in copper-nickel ring
Circulation - 56'000 pcs.
Country of origin - San Marino
Year of release - 2024
