Portugal 2024 Portugal olympic team

    Portugal 2024 Portugal olympic team
  • Product Code:300140
  • SKU:300140
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 3.00€
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In the center of the obverse is a heart-shaped element depicting a group hug. In the center of the hug is the symbol of the Portuguese Olympic Committee, conveying the idea that in 2024 At the Paris Olympics, the Portuguese heart will beat together for the Portuguese Olympic team. The heart is surrounded by 15 circles, symbolizing the Olympic rings and the continents they represent. The coat of arms of Portugal and the words "Casa da Moeda", "Equipa Olímpica Portugal" and the year "2024" and the name of the author are engraved at the bottom. The 12 stars of the European Union are arranged around.

Weight - 8.5 g.
Quality – UNC (Uncirculated)
Diameter - 25.75 mm.
Composition - Bimetallic - nickel brass clad nickel center in copper-nickel ring
Circulation - 500'000 pcs
Country of origin - Portugal
Year of release - 2024
