Lithuania 2019 Sutartines Lithuanian Multipart songs Colored

    Lithuania 2019 Sutartines Lithuanian Multipart songs Colored
  • Product Code:Lithuania 2019 Sutartines Colored
  • SKU:401088
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 8.00€
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Sutartinės (Lithuanian multipart songs — inscribed on the Unesco Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity)

The design features linear motifs, symbolizing polyphonic melodies of the unique Lithuanian heritage — folk songs sutartinės. The lines are widening and narrowing again, spinning into a swirl decorated with various miniature geometric and nature figures. The inscription of the issuing country ‘LIETUVA’, as well as the inscription ‘SUTARTINĖS’ (Lithuanian multipart songs) and the year of issuance ‘2019’ are depicted in semicircle. The mark of the Lithuanian Mint is featured as well. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.

Weight - 8.5 g.
Quality - UNC (Uncirculated) coin in colored capsula
Diameter - 25.75 mm.
Composition - Bimetallic - nickel brass clad nickel center in copper-nickel ring
Circulation - - pcs.
Country of origin - Lithuania
Year of release - 2019
