2020 commemorative two euro coins
Malta 2020 Children’s games
Children’s gamesThe design depicts a melange of traditional games popular with Maltese children. Th..
Malta 2020 Children’s games coin card
Children’s gamesThe design depicts a melange of traditional games popular with Maltese children. The..
Malta 2020 Temples of Skorba
Temples of SkorbaThis Malta coin is dedicated to Unesco World Heritage Site – pre-historic te..
Monaco 2020 Honore III
The 300th anniversary of the birth of Prince Honoré IIIThe design shows the effigy of Prince Honoré ..
Portugal 2020 730 anniversary of the University of Coimbra
730 anniversary of the University of CoimbraThe design depicts the tower of University of Coimbra ..
Portugal 2020 730 anniversary of the University of Coimbra BU in coin card
730 anniversary of the University of CoimbraThe design depicts the tower of University of Coimbra an..
Portugal 2020 730 anniversary of the University of Coimbra COLORED
730 anniversary of the University of CoimbraThe design depicts the tower of University of Coimbra an..
Portugal 2020 75 years United nations BU
75 years United nationsThis Portugal coin is dedicated to 75th anniversary of the United Nation..
Portugal 2020 75th anniversary of the United Nations
75 years United nationsThis Portugal coin is dedicated to 75th anniversary of the United Nation..
San Marino 2020 500th anniversary of the death of Rafael Sanzio
500th anniversary of the death of RaphaelThe design reproduces the profile of the Virgin Mary, which..
San Marino 2020 Giambattista Tiepolo
250th anniversary of the death of Giambattista TiepoloThe left part of the coin features the bust of..
35.00€ 60.00€-42%
Slovakia 2020 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop..
Slovakia 2020 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) COLORED
20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developme..
Slovenia 2020 500th anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohoric
500th anniversary of the birth of Adam BohoricAdam Bohoric was a protestant schoolteacher and..
Slovenia 2020 500th anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohoric PROOF
500th anniversary of the birth of Adam BohoricAdam Bohoric was a protestant schoolteacher and ..
Spain 2020 Mudejar Architecture of Aragon
Mudejar Architecture of AragonThis newest release of Banco de Espana commemorates the unique Mudéja..
Vatican city 2020 100th birthday of St. John Paul II
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul IIThe design features Pope John Paul II, the home w..
Vatican City 2020 Rafaello
500th Anniversary of the death of Raphael SanzioThe design features a portrait of Raphael and two an..